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This service targets those with type 2 diabetes (DM2). It is designed with university-level educational content. It will require the participant to download and watch several health-based movies (usually no more than a total of $10; may be free on Youtube). It focuses on dietary reform, functional foods and herbs, lifestyle modifications and optimizing supplements, when necessary. This package is designed to assist you in normalizing your blood glucose levels and keeping them normal for the rest of your life. Educational content covers pancreatic functions, cellular mechanisms responsible for normal glucose metabolism, digestive functions, compensatory mechanisms for those with excess weight dietary planning, recipe modifications, menu planning, lifestyle modifications, regular exercise / activities / hobbies, etc. While content is somewhat technical in nature, we will meet you wherever you are in your journey. The package includes four sessions and one follow-up. Recruit your friends to register for the class and we can experience the synergy of group dynamics with up to eight participants. Contact me at 817.879.4980 or to set up an appointment. 

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Educational Package

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